Sugar baby,kaolack, top harvest etc are some of the popular varieties of watermelon grown by the Ghanaian farmers,
Watermelons are rich sources of vitamin C, potassium,copper, vitamin B5
, vitamin A and carotenoids,all these are essential nutrients for the
2 Good for treating Erectile dysfunction ED.
contains an amino acid called L- citrulline,this helps stimulate blood
flow to the male sex organ and also promotes blood vessel dilation
whiles decreasing blood pressure and allowing blood to flow .
It's rich in antioxidants which helps prevent cancer , watermelon is
very rich in antioxidants especially lycopene an element which is a very
effective antioxidants that strengthens the immune system. This makes
it ideal for preventing cancer
4 Good for the heart
studies have proven that watermelons are good for the heart because
their daily intake keeps blood pressure at a good level.
Helps prevent stroke by lowering cholesterol levels and reducing blood
pressure. Watermelon also contains citrulline an amino acid that
increases the nitric oxide levels in the body
6.Good for skin and hair
The presence of vitamin A and C makes it ideal for skin and hair health
7.Helps prevent cramps
is good for all sportsmen since it contains high amount of potassium
and vitamin B6 ,these helps the body to absorb proteins thus avoiding
the appearance of cramps.
8 . Helps in keeping the body hydrated.
These and many more are the benefits of eating watermelon, so always make sure to buy some when next you visit the market.
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