Natural Remedies To Help Men Last Longer In Bed
A healthy sex life increases confidence and reduces stress .the opposite can be very frustrating and embarrassing both for you or your partner. Premature ejaculation is when a man climaxes within few seconds or a minutes during s*xual intercourse. This situation or condition;can be very disturbing since your partner is always left unsatisfied and this seems to be the cause of many conflicts in so many relationships.
Below are a few natural remedies which will help you boost your sexual life without the use of drugs and some natural aphrodisiacs that will help you enhance on your stamina
1. Stop-start technique
Whenever you feel one orgasm building up during a s*xual intercourse, stop hold your breath breathe deeply for a few seconds and start over all the breathing again slowly. This trains the body to hold off ejaculation. It is very important to get the timing right if you stop too late there is a greater risk that you would org*sm early.
2 squeeze technique
Just like the stop-start technique the squeeze method is another way of preventing an early orgasm . With this method you gently squeeze the base of your p*nis as you feel an org*sm building up. A 30 seconds gentle squeeze on the base of the p*nis helps you not to ejaculate thereby helping you to last long
3. Pelvic floor exercises
Always make it a point to engage in pelvic floor exercises such as yoga , kegel pelvic floor exercises help the body to hold off in climax early during s*xual intercourse
4 Distract yourself
Whenever you feel an org*sm starting to build up slow down your pace and think about any other stuff aside the activity you are engaged in at the very moment.
Some home remedies to prepare to boost your s*xual performance.
1. Ingredients
½Watermelon, ½lemon
Method, slice a half of the watermelon into a blender and squeeze a half of the lemon juice into it.
Blend for few minutes.
Take the juice about 30mins to any s*xual activity
2. Ingredients
4carrots , 2 ripe banana and a half cup of milk
Wash and slice the carrots into a blender
Peel and add the banana
Add the milk and blend
Take solution an hour to meeting your partner.
3. Ingredients
½Watermelon, tiger nuts, 3dates & one lemon
Soak the dates if they are dried for some few hours, remove the seeds.
Slice your watermelon and add the dates to it into a blend.
Add a half cup of tiger nuts.
Squeeze and add the lemon juice and blend
Drink mixture 30minutes to s*x
4. Ingredients
Lemon, orange, an egg and honey
Mix the lemon and orange juice in a blender
Crack 1 egg into the blender
Add 2 tablespoons of honey
Blend and take solution 30mins to meeting your partner.
5. Ingredients
Ginger, garlic and honey
Blend ginger and 3cloves of garlic
Add honey . Drink 30mins to enjoy a great s*x
Sexual benefits of all the above used ingredients.
1 watermelon,
contains lycopene , citrulline and beta-carotene. These help relax blood vessels improve blood flow and provide a natural enhancement for revving up your sex drive
2. Garlic
Garlic contains allicin a compound that increases blood flow to the sexual organ and also garlic is a natural aphrodisiac
3 Dates
Dates are rich in amino acids a compound known to increase sexual stamina, dates are also rich in minerals like phosphorus zinc magnesium calcium potassium and iron
4 Carrots
Carrots are rich source of fiber antioxidants and also carrots are a well-known libido enhancer loaded with vitamin E
5 Banana
Banana contains tryptophan, an amino acid needed for serotonin production which is also known as the feel-good hormone. Bananas are packed with potassium it is used to produce sex hormones and improve heart health. It also contains bromelain an enzyme which improve blood flow and increase libido.
6. Tiger nuts
Tiger nuts acts as an aphrodisiac and are used in the preparations of ayurvedic drugs.
Tiger nuts are used by Nigerians in treating erectile dysfunction to increase blood flow increase sperm count and also boost libido
It contains calcium magnesium potassium vitamins and minerals . These helps in blood coagulation and in transmission of nerve impulses.
7. Lemons
Lemons contains antioxidants and other minerals which helps improve blood flow
8. Honey
Honey promotes testosterone production in men and contains boron and honey is also a very rich source of vitamin B.
Always take vegetables, fruits and foods rich in zinc.
Enjoy a better s*x
Feel free to drop your comments if you need any help in preparing this natural aphrodisiacs or even if you are not clear with something.
Tips , stay hydrated, eat a balanced diet & have enough sleep.
Disclaimer. I am in no way a medical doctor just a health student who has conducted so many researches on this subject, do well to consult a physician before going ahead with any of these remedies although they do not have any yet proven side effects
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